Luiz H. Rapatão

Luiz H. Rapatão

Staff Software Engineer

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Destructuring in Kotlin

Destructuring is a programming concept that entails breaking down a complex data structure into its individual components and assigning these components to individual variables directly in a single statement.

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Contract-First VS Code-First API Documentation

API development is a crucial part of modern software development. Designing clear, robust, and easy-to-use APIs not only optimizes the development process but also enhances the developer experience. Various methodologies exist for API creation, the two significant approaches are the Contract-First and Code-First methods. This article explores these two approaches in depth.

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CAP Theorem

CAP theorem is a fundamental principle in distributed database systems that states only two out of the three: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance, can be achieved at any given time.

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Installing and using minikube

In my current project, we use Kubernetes massively and with that, I needed to perform tests more than once to verify that my deployment file was correct. Although there are environments that I could use to test, I decided to use minikube, in order to carry out tests locally and not risk impacting other users/applications.

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